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A member registered Apr 22, 2022

Recent community posts

1. My favorite character was Zeke because he was soft and cute. He also felt the most realistic and most normal out of all of them.

2. My favorite scene was Zeke's part because the writing was really funny. (But the game in general was very funny)

3. I would want a full length version of the game because I feel like Al and Graham could use more fleshing out with a longer story.

I love this demo so much! I love how you did not shy away from committing to the love-core aesthetic, it makes the characters feel whimsical and unique. I also love the writing it's very engaging.. I think Leon is my favorite and I'll look forward to the final release!

This was really fun! Your writing was very engaging and Liev is drawn very well in all of his sprites. You did a very good job!